2022 State Bar Bargaining Survey

Your SEIU Local 1000 DLC 850 bargaining team will soon begin negotiating with State Bar management over critical issues that will impact pay, working conditions and other important aspects of your employment. Your bargaining team held a general membership meeting and has talked with members in order to find out which work related issues should be addressed in our contract campaign. Please take a few minutes to give the bargaining team feedback on these priority issues by filling out the survey. Thank you for your time and participation.

Please identify from the list below the top three types of compensation adjustments that are most important for up-coming bargaining with State Bar management.
  1. A general salary increase/cost of living adjustment that applies to the bargaining unit equally
  2. A salary differential or equity adjustment for select classifications (Please specify in comment box)
  3. Increase pay for employees who are “topped-out” on their salary scales
  4. To increase parking allowance and travel reimbursement levels
  5. To establish or increase other types of compensation supplements (e.g. stipends, etc.) (Please specify in comment box)
  6. Eliminate Red Circling of Employees (Red Circling is referred to in Section 22G of our MOU)
Please identify from the list below the top three workplace rights issues for our up-coming bargaining with State Bar management:
  1. Increase promotional opportunities
  2. Greater flexibility in alternative work schedules
  3. Expand leave flexibility
  4. Increase leave cash-out options
  5. Strengthen our rights related to personnel files and the progressive discipline process
Do you currently work remotely from home? (mark one)
 Yes, 1 day a week
 Yes, 2 to 3 days a week
 Yes, 4 to 5 days a week
The State Bar recently implemented a Remote Work Policy. Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the policy as it currently functions (mark one)
 Very Satisfied
 I'm ok with the current provisions for now
 Very Dissatisfied
 Too early to tell
What improvements would you make to the Remote Work Policy (mark all that apply):
 To increase the numbers of days I can work remotely from home
 An improved appeals process for denials
 Increase to Remote Work stipend
 Better resources for our home office equipment and technical support (e.g. IT support)
Please share any additional bargaining priorities with your team
Which bargaining related activities would you be willing to participate in to support our up-coming contract campaign? (mark all that apply)
 Keeping members up-to-date on bargaining related developments
 Helping to organize actions and other bargaining support activities at the worksite or online
 Recruiting and organizing new members
 Participate as a subject- matter- expert on specific bargaining issues
 Not interested in participating in bargaining related activities at this time.
Please leave your best contact information so the bargaining team can reach out to you about contract campaign activities and events.