2023 SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Survey

Our SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team will soon begin negotiating with the state over critical issues that will impact pay, working conditions and other important aspects of your employment. This survey is an effort to find out which work related issues should be addressed in our contract campaign. Please take a few minutes to give the bargaining team feedback on these priority issues by filling out the survey.

Thank you for your time and participation.

Don't forget to hit the SUBMIT SURVEY button at the bottom. This will capture your answers even if you come back to finish it later.

(*Indicates a mandatory question)

1. What do you believe are the top three priorities for Local 1000 represented workers in the next bargaining cycle? (Choose up to three)
 Increase career advancement and promotional opportunities
 Expand and increase differentials, reimbursements and allowances (Meal Allowance, Uniform Allowance, Parking Allowance, Bilingual Pay, Shift Differential etc…) (Please specify in the text box at the end of this question)
 General salary increase (GSI)
 Enhance the $260 Healthcare stipend
 Protect and increase retirement security
 Special salary adjustments (SSAs)/classification based increases
 Create a new top step in my classification
 Essential work pay
2. Please choose up to three top Workers' rights and protections that, for you, are a priority to defend and strengthen during bargaining. (Choose up to three)
 Right to organize (strengthen enforcement of New Employee Orientation access)
 Representation and grievance support in disciplinary proceedings
 Workplace health and safety
 Protections against outsourcing of Local 1000 work/overuse of temporary workers
 Greater job and work security
 Anti-bullying protections
 Post and Bid process
 Address workload issues related to understaffing and mandatory overtime
 Leave issues (vacation, CTO, sick, holiday, union etc…)
 Pay equity across race, ethnicity and gender
3. How would you rate the career mobility opportunities in your department (excluding management positions)? (Choose one)
 There are many avenues available to me for career growth and mobility
 I have a reasonable number of opportunities to advance in my career
 Not many opportunities for career growth and mobility
 I've hit a glass ceiling/brick wall. There are no pathways for advancement at my job
4. Local 1000 recently successfully negotiated a telework side letter with the State. If you telework, how has the new policy impacted your ability to do your job? (Choose one) (Last three options include comment boxes).
 The telework policy has had no impact on my ability to do my job
 I am eligible, but am not currently teleworking
 I am not eligible to telework
 The telework policy has had a positive impact on my ability to do my job
 The telework policy has made it more difficult for me to do my job
5. What improvements, if any, would you make to the current telework side letter? (Choose up to two)
 I don't have any suggestions for improvements at this time
 Increase the number of days I can work remotely from home
 An improved appeals process for telework denials
 Increase the telework stipend
 Better resources for our home office equipment and technical support (e.g. IT support)
 Better protections around unnecessary remote monitoring and tracking
 More clarity around when workers are being compensated for teleworking in the event of work equipment or system wide network failures
 Make telework eligibility more equitable across classifications
6. Your workplace and worksite environment should be as healthy, safe and comfortable as possible. (Mark all that apply)
 I feel safe at my workplace/site or home office, if applicable
 I don't feel I'm working in a healthy environment due to a lack of COVID-19 prevention practices
 I don't feel safe at my current workplace/site due to concerns about workplace violence
 I don't feel safe at my workplace/site due to high rates of injuries and/or deaths
 I don't feel comfortable at my workplace/site due to extreme heat at my workplace
 I don't feel comfortable at my workplace/site due to extreme cold at my workplace
 I don't feel safe walking to public transportation to/from my workplace/site
 I don't feel safe at my workplace/site due to vermin
 I don't feel safe at my workplace/site due to the poor condition of the building or facility
 I don't feel safe at my workplace/site due to poor lighting and having to park in unsafe places
7. Your workload is an important part of your work-life balance. Please share how it impacts your ability to achieve work-life balance. (Mark all that apply)
 I regularly can't take rest and/or bathroom breaks due to my workload
 I find it hard to take vacation or other leave due to my workload
 I often feel overwhelmed and stressed due to unsustainably high workloads
 My workload is manageable
 I am covering work in vacant/unfilled positions
 I get assigned to cover other post/ shifts so often I regularly don't have time to finish my own assignments and job duties
8. Think about a provision in Local 1000's MOU you cannot afford to lose or a priority you are ready to fight for during bargaining. What are you willing to do to fight for a fair contract? (Mark all that apply)
 Attend a worksite meeting, unity break, picket or rally
 Communicate our bargaining priorities to decision makers by signing a petition, making phone calls, sending emails, etc.
 Grow membership: strengthen our bargaining power by signing up my co-workers to become members
 Purple up/ put up purple background on computer screen
 Wear a Local 1000 bargaining campaign sticker
 Help organize activities at the worksite to leverage power at the bargaining table
 Join a regional organizing committee, which is the workplace engine of our contract
 Nothing at this time
 Other ideas or suggestions
9. Please share any other priorities you have that have not been addressed in this survey.
10. What, if any, financial issues have been most challenging for you right now? (Choose up to two)
 Housing in the community where I work is unaffordable
 Utilities, gas, insurance, food and other weekly and monthly bills are just too high
 I'm not able to save or invest for the future
 I can't afford to retire
 I have no financial challenges at this time
 Medical expenses are too high
 Too much debt (credit cards, student loans, car loans, etc.)
11. If you're facing financial challenges, what do you believe the main reasons are? (Choose up to two)
 I'm actually doing okay financially
 Not enough income (wages/salary too low)
 I'm in too much debt and I can't keep up
 Federal and state taxes are too high
 My job benefits are inadequate and I'm paying too much out of pocket for basic necessities
 Current inflation is too high to make ends meet
 Although I could use the help, unfortunately I'm not eligible for federal or state safety net programs
 California is too expensive to live in for low to moderate income wage earners

Local 1000 seeks economic security for members, our families, and our communities, which includes hardships created by disparities in housing and job markets in the state. Answers to the next three questions will provide a broader family demographic of Local 1000.

12. How many people are in your household, including yourself?
 1 person
 2 people
 3 people
 4 people
 5 people
 6 people
 7 people
 8 people
 More than 8 people
13. How many families live with you in your place of residence?
 4 or more
14. Are you the primary financial provider/income earner in your household?
 The financial burdens in my household are evenly split

